Leading manufacturer and distributor of Wastewater Products

Alpha manufactures fiberglass septic tanks, lift stations, pump chambers, valve boxes, manway risers, control panels and pumps. Alpha also provides fiberglass products for low pressure sewer systems.

Leading manufacturer and distributor of Wastewater Products

Alpha manufactures fiberglass septic tanks, lift stations, pump chambers, valve boxes, manway risers, control panels and pumps. Alpha also provides fiberglass products for low pressure sewer systems.

Leading manufacturer and distributor of Wastewater Products

Alpha manufactures fiberglass septic tanks, lift stations, pump chambers, valve boxes, manway risers, control panels and pumps. Alpha also provides fiberglass products for low pressure sewer systems.

Alpha General has been serving the wasterwater industry for over 40 years. Since it’s inception, Alpha General has been focused on pioneering the industry with fiberglass products that are proven to stand the test of time.”


Our Products

Tanks & Accessories

Alpha General has been on the forefront of the fiberglass tank industry for over 40 years. We offer fiberglass tanks from 200 gallons up to 2200 gallons. We also provide fiberglass accessories such as lids, risers and filters.


Lift Stations are custom built to customer specifications in our facility by highly trained professionals. We offer diameters from 24”-72” and depths up to 17’. Alpha General can work closely with engineers on projects to assist in designing the right product for your project.


Alpha’s pumps are designed and engineered to operate in the harshest of environments in the wastewater industry. We offer pumps from 1/3 hp up to 60 hp. We stock a wide variety of pumps with capabilities to ship out same day.

Control Panels

All control panels are fully assembled in-house by our full service technicians. We offer panels that operate up to 60 hp pumps and stock an array of different floats. We are a UL listed facility.